Home > Home baking > Recipes > Aperitif > Tomato – parmesan bread roll
Tomato – parmesan bread roll
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Preparation time
30 minutes
Cooking time
35 minutes
Resting time
2 hours
6 people

– 250g flour
– 140ml water
– 6g of Saf-instant® Baker’s dry yeast
– 5g salt
Flavouring for the parmesan dough (dough 1):
– 65g parmesan
Flavouring for the tomato dough (dough 2):
– 65g concentrated tomato paste

– 2 mixing bowls
– 2 clean tea towels
– 1 wooden spoon
– 1 rolling pin
– 1 baking tray
1. Preparing the dough. Add the Saf-instant® yeast to warm water (35°C max.) mixing well with a wooden spoon.
2. Add the flour and salt and knead for 5 minutes.
3. Form a large ball of dough of approximately 250g and divide into two halves.
Add the parmesan to the first half and knead for a further 10 minutes. The dough should not be sticky, if necessary add a little more flour.
Add the tomato paste to the second half and knead for a further 10 minutes. The dough should not be sticky, if necessary add a little more flour.
4. Form 2 balls, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour.
5. Place each ball of dough on a floured work surface and knock back by punching it your fist to remove the excess air.
6. Roll each ball out to a thickness of approximately 1 cm, forming 2 rectangles of identical size.
Place the rectangle of tomato dough on top of the parmesan dough and roll the 2 up together, starting from the long edge, to create a bi-coloured roll.
7. Place the bread on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Score the top of the dough with the point of a knife.
Cover and leave to rest for 1 hour.
8. Preheat the oven to 220°C (thermostat 7-8).
Lightly brush the bread with water and place a bowl of water in the oven underneath the baking tray, bake for 35 minutes.
Leave to cool before slicing and eating.
You can also vary the flavourings by replacing the tomato paste by pesto for example. This recipe is also ideal to make a sweet bread for a teatime treat, why not try vanilla (1½ tablespoons of vanilla extract to replace the parmesan) and chocolate (65g of melted chocolate to replace the tomato paste). In which case you can also add an additional tablespoon of sugar to each separate dough.